








在此也提醒本平台的所有會員,MIS網路整合計畫所有的獎勵皆是以積分來回饋給給會員,讓會員能夠藉由本平台獲得本平台所提供 的各項加值服務及廣告主所贊助的商品或服務。當然如果會員欲將所得到的積分,或所獲得的服務或商品轉讓變換成現金,本平台並無不容許之道理。但是特別公開 提醒所有的會員,本平台提供的獎勵計畫雖然是提供給VIP會員的獎勵,然而本平台無法明示或默示承諾每個月「保證獲利」或「固定返利」,以避免觸犯相關法 令。目前我們發現有不少會員在網路上會使用保證獲利xx%、每個月可以保證賺多少錢的廣告用詞,來吸引新會員加入。本平台要特別聲明,本平台竭力遵循母公 司註冊所在國家之相關法令規範,但礙於網際網路無國界,除了會員需遵循國際互聯網公約的細部規定之外,請會員在推廣本平台同時,仍務必請遵守您所在國家或 地區的法令規定,以避免相關的民事或刑事責任,對此,本平台在此要特別提出聲明。

另外,關於網路上不明人士一直匿名散佈不實消息,影射本平平台是不合法的老鼠會或是吸金集團云云,我也要遵重提出警告:本平台 成立至今一直秉持著法令遵循及正當營運的理念,目前的營運一切正常,對於本平台會員應盡的責任及服務從未有任何不週之處。對於網路上一些匿名指控或是張貼 本網為詐騙的文章,本網已經聘請律師進行蒐證,我們要鄭重呼籲,若您被本平台詐騙任何金錢,歡迎來信給於線上客服,或請在官方Facebook留下您的聯 絡方式,我們將請律師與您聯繫,協助您解決問題;相反的,如果您是惡意抹黑的行為,我們也將透過法律途徑追究您的責任,敬請同業或網友自重及自律,謝謝。


Dear members:

Thank you all members who been continuously promoting this network’s integrated project ever since the platform first started operating more than a year ago. Hereby, I am pleased to inform you some important figures: since December 2013 when MIS opens for free membership registration until today, the platform’s:
• average daily IP click has reached 600,000 times;
• total number of registered members: 25,000 people;
• Alexa global website ranking: Globally: 28,856; in China: 2,232

After more than a year, we have demonstrated that MIS is a feasible integrated project plan.

Recently, we have also discussed about the opportunity of doing cross-industry alliance with a lot of China’sTaobao customer’s websites, I believe in a more rapid increase in membership from the collaboration between the two parties. Moreover, the demand for advertising will gradually increase, and there will be an even more rapid and substantial increase in the profitability of the platform.

In future the platform will increase brand exposure and the number of members through more cross-industry alliance and cooperation, hoping to quickly construct a unique path for the platform’s participation, so our common goals can be fulfilled in a shorter time frame.

I would also like to hereby remind all members of the platform, all rewards from MIS network integration projects are all based on the credits, and they allow members to obtain value-added services and merchandises/services sponsored by our advertiser through the platform. Of course, if a member wishes to convert theircredits, services or goods into cash, the platform will not stop the member from doing so. But please be reminded that, although the platform’s incentive programs are meant for the VIP members, the platform cannot explicitly or implicitly promise monthly "guaranteed profit" or "fixed rebate" in order to avoid violating the related laws. We found that many members on the network are usingkeywords like “profit guarantee of xx%” and“how much you can make per month”in advertisements to attract new members to join. The platform would like to clarify, the platform followsthe related laws of the parent company’s domiciled country, but due to the Internet without borders, besidesadhering to the Internet conventional detailed provisions, members are asked to comply with laws and regulations in your respective country or region in order to avoid civil or criminal liability, this is one thing the platform wishes to highlight.

In addition, an unknown person on the Internet has been anonymously spreading fake news, alluding that the platform is anillegitimate group which defrauds or so on. I have to give a serious warning: The platform has been set up to follow and uphold the legitimate operational conceptaccording to the act, we are currently operating as usual, we have been responsible for our duty and services for the members of the platform. As for the anonymous allegations or articles of fraud posted on the internet, we have hired a lawyer to collect evidence.We have to make a solemn appeal, if you are a victim of any money scams from the platform, you’re welcome to drop an email to the customer service center, or leave your contact details in our official Facebook page, our lawyer will contact you and help you to solve the problem; Conversely, if you are involved in malicious behavior, we will hold you responsible through legal means, I ask the peers or netizens to be self-disciplined, thank you.

Anthony Chan / President of Global Operating Cente          

    創作者 分紅進行式 的頭像

    MIS網路自動收入系統 華人互惠平台

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